Joining the Marlins

The McLean Marlins represent MSTA in Division Two of the Northern Virginia
Swimming League. We would love to have your swimmers be part of our team.
Experienced swimmer or beginner, this is a team for everyone. You must have a
membership with McLean Swim and Tennis Association to be eligible to join the Marlins
and Future Marlins. Membership information can be found under the
Membership section of
the MSTA website. If you are new to the team, a swimmer should be able to swim freestyle
for one full length of the pool unassisted (putting their face in the water with minimal
stopping) and one full length of another stroke to join Marlins. Swimmers need to be able
to swim 15 meters unassisted to join the Future Marlins.
Registration via TeamUnify for the 2024 Marlins Season is now open!Marlins registration for our 2024 season will be $200/swimmer and includes:
- Starting May 13th: afternoon practices begin by age group for all Marlins swimmers (switches to mornings June 13th)
- Developmental and competitive swim meets
- Tons of social activities for the whole family
- Team t-shirt and swim cap
- The same all-out Marlins fun!
Volunteering: We need you! You may not realize that it takes over 40 parent volunteers to run a swim meet. Swim team is an opportunity for complete family participation. We promise, your children take notice and love to have you involved. Each family is required to volunteer a minimum of 10 hours with a $150 deposit, with the option to have it refunded at the end of the season or donated towards the coaches end of season gifts, bonuses and other expenses, upon completion of the 10 volunteer hours. The fee will be charged during online registration. Please, say YES early and often if asked to help -- our team is steadily growing!
Future MarlinsThe Future Marlins provides group training for children who can swim 15 meters of the pool unassisted. Focus is on proper breathing, stroke technique, and building endurance. Future Marlins can transfer to the competitive team when they are able to swim freestyle for one full length of the pool unassisted (keeping their face in the water with minimal stopping) and one full length of another stroke. Children must be evaluated before they can participate.Coaches are available to evaluate swimmers for Future Marlins or Group Lessons on June 11th or 12th between 4 pm and 6 pm. No sign up needed, just stop by the pool. Can't make the evaluation? Email the Team Reps (
Registration for our 2024 Future Marlins season, is $170/swimmer, and includes:
- Daily morning practices with swim instruction from June 13th - July 16th
- Participation in the social activities and pep rallies
- Team t-shirt and swim cap
- A starring role in the Marlins swim meet on July 15th
- An end of season party
Note: Families with Future Marlin swimmer(s) only are not required to pay the volunteer fee or volunteer. Parents are encouraged to volunteer whenever possible however so that team events can be run smoothly and efficiently.
Personalized Marlins Silicone Swim Caps: You can order caps that are personalized with your swimmer’s last name. Caps will be available to order through the Marlins online store during a limited window of time. Please pay attention to the deadlines for ordering, sorry, no exceptions.
Communications: All news and announcements will be done via email, the Marlin bulletin board, and your family folder. Family folders can be found in the main office; every Marlin family will have a folder, and meet ribbons are distributed there. Please be sure to have your swimmers check the folders regularly.
Swimmer Availability: Please check the meet schedule and put the meets on your calendar. This is particularly important for Saturday meets and relay carnivals, which are scored meets. An email survey will be sent out each week to determine your swimmer/s availability for these meets. Please reply promptly, as our coaches will rely on this data to put together the meet sheet of chosen swimmers.